everYthing I need to know will be revealed to me.
We spend so much time planning our lives. We plan to get married, to have children, to follow a certain career path. We plan to buy a house or make investments so we can have more money, thinking that we have total control over our lives. I have made so many plans and moved forward believing those plans would be my future. Then, out of the blue, something happens to stop me in my tracks.
These past five years have been one of those somethings. I had to look at the path I was on and understand so much about why I was there and was it serving my purpose. Meditation and writing in my journal have been my saving grace in helping me to learn so much about myself and my service. Although some aspects of our journeys are out of our control, the detour may just be the path that really is the one we are meant to take.
I live in the moment because that is where life is created. I embrace who I am and love myself “as is.” I listen with an open heart. I share my love with others. I speak my truth, trusting that anything else I need to know will be revealed to me.
Allow me to share some revelations from my journal, in no particular order.